Trainer Name

Rahim Zulfiqar Ali

Skill Area

Digital Technologies and Digital Transformation


4.8 (21 Rating)

Course Requirements

No prior knowledge needed

Course Description

A sales dashboard is a tool that enables C-level executives and managers to effectively control sales KPIs and monitor them in one central place while helping teams to reach sales goals through detailed analyses of sales performance. A sales dashboard is a visual representation of your real-time sales data. The purpose of a sales dashboard is to provide an easily understandable overview of your key performance indicators, allowing reps and managers to check in on progress toward sales goals and targets.

Are you interested to learn how to make an awesome Sales Dashboard and leverage your potential for your business? Register now for this course to make Awesome Sales Dashboard in Microsoft Excel!

Course Outcomes

At the end of this session, you will be able to:
1. Learn about Dashboard Design Rules.
2. Create Sales Analytical Dashboard in Microsoft Excel,
3. Explore and apply Key Features & Functions of Excel to create a Dashboard quickly in Microsoft Excel.

Course Curriculum

1 Create Sales Analytical Dashboard in Microsoft Excel with Awesome Tips & Tricks
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

Create Sales Analytical Dashboard in Microsoft Excel with Awesome Tips & Tricks


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